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A new standard for data control and interoperability, for all internet users

Solid decouples identities, data and apps on our web

Solid servers

Solid servers make it easy for entities to host Personal Online Datastores (Pods) for individuals and organisations. Other names for Pods include Data Vaults, Wallets and Spaces. Solid servers are interoperable, with no lock in. The open source Community Solid Server (CSS) is here. Enterprise-grade Solid servers are also generally available.

Solid Pods

Solid Pods store data about an individual, organisation or other entity in a standardised, re-usable format. Data can be read-from or written-to Pods by any approved sources, with each Pod controller's permission.


Approved apps (including AI services) can access the data in any / all Pods, with permission. This includes access purpose and timeframe, for example. Different apps can re-use the same data. Individuals and organistations can switch between apps anytime, while retaining their assets.


Individuals and organisations control access to their data and curate it so that others can offer new types of services and experiences. This includes individual and collective analytics, insights, AI, and theoretically limitless types of personal, social and commercial apps that interoperate and work together.

A new generation of data control and interoperability for all internet users

Take control of your data and unlock innovation with Solid, the new suite of standards for a new phase of the web.  Join us in shaping a better digital future for Australia.

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